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Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar (Review)

Two Second Review

★★☆☆☆ // 2 s t a r s

In the most basic sense, Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating is a sapphic novel about two Bengali girls who are defying the stereotypes set upon them and "fake" date until they develop actual feelings for each other.

The Book

Trigger Warnings: racism, islamophobia, bimisia, toxic friendships, parental abandonment

Release Date: May 25, 2021

Publisher: Page Street Kids

Genre(s): YA, LGBTQIA+, Contemporary, Romance

Series?: no

Page Count: 352


Everyone likes Humaira "Hani" Khan—she’s easy going and one of the most popular girls at school. But when she comes out to her friends as bisexual, they invalidate her identity, saying she can’t be bi if she’s only dated guys. Panicked, Hani blurts out that she’s in a relationship…with a girl her friends absolutely hate—Ishita "Ishu" Dey. Ishu is the complete opposite of Hani. She’s an academic overachiever who hopes that becoming head girl will set her on the right track for college. But Ishita agrees to help Hani, if Hani will help her become more popular so that she stands a chance of being elected head girl.

Despite their mutually beneficial pact, they start developing real feelings for each other. But relationships are complicated, and some people will do anything to stop two Bengali girls from achieving happily ever after.


I think even from the Two Second Review section, y'all are able to tell how much I disliked this book. That's not the say it was all bad, there was definitely some great sprinkled in there. But was it enough? That'll be a hard no from me, sorry.

Alright, so a better summary of this book. Hani is a popular girl who also happens to be Indian and Muslim in a predominantly white school. She is bisexual, but when she comes out to her "friends", they question her (basically, "How can you be bi if you've only dated guys?) This leads her to accidently fib her way into making her "friends" (notice the excessive use of quotes around friends, more on that later) think she is dating Ishu. Ishu is an unpopular girl who also happens to be Indian and Hindu. She's got more of the "stereotypes" surrounding Indians associated with her, read: studying is my life and being a doctor is my dream. She does want to be a doctor, that is why she pushes herself, but also you can't get more stereotypical than that and that just needs to be said. Still, the stereotype in this case is kind of necessary for the plot so I'm not completely against that. Also, on a different note I love Hani's mom? She was basically written to tell stereotypes to f off because when are Muslim (book) parents ever chill.

Okay, so Ishu. Ishu agrees to fake date Hani in order to become Head Girl, a literal popularity contest. She's literally dating a popular girl to become popular and that was the purpose of the plot. Like, yes I understand it's contemporary and I get that half the people that read this would be like but if you read that in a straight book it wouldn't seem out of the ordinary. But like, it would? It was such a stupid plot point, I literally hated it. And then there's Hani. Her reason is better, she's there to convince her "friends" that she's bisexual. But like, excuse me? First off, why is this girl friends with people who would literally question her identity. That is cause for immediate droppage I've ever heard one, but to actually go as far as to lie, say you have a girlfriend, and continue with a ruse all in order to convince two bitches that you're bi? No thank you.

Can I just drop in and say I love sapphic books and I love fake-dating. It's one of the best tropes and that's not why I'm going off on this. But like, come on. It had so much potential! Where did it go?

Okay, so fake-dating as we know is one of the most tension filled tropes. We read it for the angst, the freak-out sessions, the "Oh jeez, I need a breather from this book because I really might combust otherwise." Where was all that in this book? I was so excited for it after reading all the positive reviews, but it was like virtually nonexistent. Hani and Ishu were literally friends, they could be best friends and I wouldn't know the difference because there was no angst no fluff. Did either of them even like giggle at each other, or blush, or DEBBY RYAN FOR GOSH SAKE.

Also, I need to ask. How did Hani know Ishu was queer…Where did that happen, when was that established, and why was there no like actual coming out. It just…happened? (other than Hani's horrid acquaintances, of course).

Okay, that's enough bad, I hope anyone that read this is relating a bit? Maybe I am just crazy, but it's okay, we live with crazy sometimes.

The good, because we all need some good. The representation. It was great. I'm Indian myself, and while we are dealing with one non-stereotypical character and one stereotypical one, I feel like it was helpful to the plot, it at least added something and wasn't there because that's what people perceive of others, ya know? Um, absolutely everything with Nik. I was more invested in her than Hani and Ishu, and that says something. I wanted nothing more than a meet scene with Rajesh and Ishu, but of course, I never get what I want.

❝ My point, dear sister, is that we all have people who we bend

ourselves for the approval of. For you and me, it's Ammu and Abbu.

For Hani, it's her friends. We all need to fit in, or need approval. You

and Hani aren't that different, if you think about it. ❞

Man, I wish I had more good to say. I really wish I liked this one, seriously. But I didn't and I can't help that. I'm not gonna write a conclusion that recs this book to others, but yk…Read the Two Second Review, read the good paragraph, but that's all that might convince you from this review specifically.


— fake-dating

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  • Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins (a rly rly good sapphic book, i haven't got that many recs for sapphic which is sad bc i love reading them)

  • She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen (have not read this, but have heard great things!)

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random q to drop comments <3

What's your favorite book that has the fake dating trope?

(there aren't a ton i've read, but Counting Down With You is definitely up there)


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